Cookie policy

Effective date: March 15, 2021

Spacewell International NV, with registered office at Sneeuwbeslaan 20 bus 3, 2610 Wilrijk, incorporated under Belgian law and registered with the Crossroad Bank of Enterprises under number BE 0846.845.929 (“Spacewell International NV”, “we”, “us”) believes in transparency when it comes to the protection of your personal data. With this cookie policy we provide you detailed information about how and when we use cookies, what different types of cookies and technologies we use and how all this applies to the Spacewell website. As we aim to stay current with the latest data protection technology and the data protection legislation we may adjust our cookie policy over time. Please refer to the ‘effective date’ at the top of this page to see when this cookie policy was last modified.

Thanks for this nice introduction, but what are cookies exactly?

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. Each cookie is effectively a small lookup table containing pairs of (key, data) values – for example (first name, John) (last name, Smith). Once the cookie has been read by the code on the server or client computer, the data can be retrieved and used to customize a web page appropriately.

Ok, so a cookie is nothing more than a piece of data you store on my device. But why would you want that, and why would I want that?

We use cookies for example to increase the user-friendliness of our website by better tailoring it to your wishes and preferences. For example, with cookies we can remember your language preference. That way when visiting our website again in the future, you don’t have to tell us your language preference again and you will have a better experience.

We also use cookies to collect information about how you use our website. We track the number of visitors, which are popular web pages, and the time visitors spend on a web page. Based on how users behave on our website, we can optimize and personalize the user experience. There exist all kinds of cookies, which can be classified by function, origin and lifespan. For a complete overview of the types of cookies, you can go to

I get the idea behind cookies, still I’d like you to tell me what cookies exactly you are going to store on my device.

Essential cookies

These are the cookies you don’t want to miss out on. They are required for the operation of our site to enable you to move around our site and use its features. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our site. Without these cookies, the website will not be able to operate in full.

Cookie nameWhy do we place this cookie?When do cookies expire?1st party or 3rd party cookie?
PHPSESSID (MODX)To store the logged-in user’s username and encrypted key. Without this cookie, a user is unable to proceed to areas of the website that require authenticated access.Expires 30 minutes after the user’s browser is closed.1st party

Functional cookies

These are used to recognize you when you return to our sites and apps and enable us to remember the choices you make when using them. This enables us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Basically, functional cookies make the functioning of our websites and apps easier and provide a personalized browsing experience. Without them the website will still work, but it will be less personalized and it will be less smooth.

Cookie nameWhy do we place this cookie?When do cookies expire?1st party or 3rd party cookie?
_icl_current_languageTo remember your language preferenceExpires after 24 months1st party
euCookieTo show first-time users a message that our website is using cookiesExpires after 12 months1st party

Social media cookies

If you take the opportunity to share content from our site through our social buttons (e.g. Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.), you should be aware that these sites are likely to collect information about your online activities. We have no control over this. The information they collect is stored anonymously. The information is sent by and to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn on servers in the United States. A proper level of protection of the use of any possible personal details applies.

We suggest that you check the privacy policies (if any) of such third party websites for more information about their use of your information and/or how to opt out or delete such information.

Cookie nameWhy do we place this cookie?When do cookies expire?1st party or 3rd party cookie?
__stidOur website uses a widget from ShareThis which makes it quick and easy to share our content on social networks.Expires after 12 months3rd party
__unamThis cookie is also from ShareThis; it monitors click-stream like time spent on page.Expires after 9 months3rd party
wdThis cookie is from Facebook and tracks members/non-members of social media for behavioural advertising, analytics, market research.End of Session3rd party
frThis cookie is from Facebook and tracks members/non-members of social media for behavioural advertising, analytics, market research.Expires after 2 months3rd party

Analytical cookies

These cookies collect information about the use of our websites such as the number of visitors, which are popular web pages and the time users spend on a particular web page. Based on the behaviour of our users, we can improve how our websites and apps work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. We also rely on third-party cookies such as:

Cookie nameToolWhy do we place this cookie?When do cookies expire?1st party or 3rd party cookie?
_gaGoogle analyticsWeb traffic trackingExpires after 24 months3rd party
_gidGoogle analyticsWeb traffic trackingExpires after 24 months3rd party
_dc_gtm_uaGoogle analyticsWeb traffic trackingExpires after 24 months3rd party

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used for marketing purposes. They record your visit to our site, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. Using these cookies, we can send you content or queries more relevant to your interests.

Cookie nameToolWhy do we place this cookie?When do cookies expire?1st or 3rd party cookies?
__hs_cookie_cat_prefHubspotThis cookie is used to record the categories a visitor consented to.Expires in 6 months.3rd party
__cf_bmHubspotThis cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection.Expires in 30 minutes3rd party
__hstcHubspotThe main cookie for tracking visitors.Expires in 6 months.3rd party
hubspotutkHubspotThis cookie keeps track of a visitor’s identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts.Expires in 6 months.3rd party
__hsscHubspotThis cookie keeps track of sessions.Expires in 6 months.3rd party
__hssrcHubspotWhenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser.Expires at the end of the session.3rd party

Ok, I’m convinced. Now tell me how I accept cookies.

Through our cookie bar or via the settings of your browser you can choose to accept cookies. If you choose to disable this feature, you may not be able to use our website optimally. To check whether your browser is configured to allow cookies, visit the Cookie checker. This page will attempt to create a cookie and report on whether it succeeded.

I changed my mind. How do I disable cookies?

You can disable cookies for our website whenever you like. How you can disable or delete cookies is explained here: or Please note that when cookies are disabled the website or certain elements of it may not function optimally.

I’d like to know more…

If you have any questions regarding our cookie policy, please contact us via email at

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