Spacewell’s customer base is constantly growing also because of our enthusiastic users. We would like to present the very first Spacewell Ambassador : Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven B.V.!
Last week, Jan van Rabenswaaij, account manager, paid a visit to Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven B.V. (MBDB) of The Hague, taking with him the well-known “Spacewell petit fours.” There he met Facility Manager Rob Metzelaar as well as Dominique van der Sar, Purchase Coordinator & Facility Employee. After an extensive tour through the beautifully renovated building in the Forepark business park, that now welcomes plenty of visitors again, they looked back on the past period.
Metzelaar: “It’ s been a really busy time with so many different projects but this headquarters, for example, turned out very nice. We never sit still, obviously, and we are constantly trying to exceed customer expectations by innovating. Mercedes-Benz stands for comfort, sustainability, technology & safety and it all comes together in this dynamic environment.”
IWMS capabilities
Since 2014, Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven has been using the Axxerion software. It is deployed as an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS). Van der Sar explains the features Axxerion is equipped with. “We use Axxerion for purchasing, contract management, property and asset management, work orders and contacts, among other things. In doing so, we have a full picture of our premises, workshops, assets, employees, suppliers, and partners. In addition, Spacewell has developed a ticketing portal for us that facilitates the quick and easy handling of requests. It is not only our employees who work with it, our suppliers make use of it as well. They can access Axxerion from their own location. The machines and tools in our workshops are essential for our operations. Is there a lift bridge jammed? If so, our mechanics cannot proceed. The person in charge of the workshop will then log into the ticketing portal, enter the unique barcode of the defective lift bridge and briefly describe the problem. The IWMS immediately knows at which location, and in which workshop this lift bridge is located, the supplier receives a notification, and the problem is fixed within the agreed response time.”
When asked how the collaboration between Spacewell and Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven has been in recent years, Metzelaar and Van der Sar share the same opinion. “We haven’t built a traditional customer-supplier relationship, but rather a true partnership based on mutual trust. We know how to find each other and through close cooperation we have created a reliable IWMS that we use extensively on a daily basis.” They are looking forward to the post-COVID period that will hopefully come soon. Van der Sar, with a smile: “We do miss the Spacewell customer days. These meetings always provide a nice glimpse into other facility departments at a wide range of companies and have also brought us some great things in recent years. For example, at one of the customer days, we spoke with a music school that had incorporated instrument rental into their IWMS. We realized the same concept applied to us as we loaned special cars to fellow dealers. We were able to implement it in Axxerion thanks to this conversation, so now it’s up and running at Mercedes-Benz!”
“We have met many different people over the past few years through so-called reference interviews. By exchanging experiences, we stay sharp ourselves and learn a lot.”
That Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven will be the first official Spacewell Ambassador is no surprise to us. Over the past few years, they have regularly welcomed prospects and customers or spoken to them on the phone. If you are about to choose a new software or want to expand it, substantive and objective user experiences are most informative and useful. Rob Metzelaar enthusiastically shares his experiences. “We have met many different people over the past few years through so-called reference interviews. By exchanging experiences, we stay sharp ourselves and learn a lot.” We keep in touch with some companies, and it is no longer just about software but about other issues where we can help each other. It’s nice to pass on a bit of knowledge and show what benefits can be gained by working efficiently.” Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven account manager Jan van Rabenswaaij is pleased with the first ambassadorship. “Because of its great name, Mercedes-Benz has great appeal with prospects. Now we are going to intensify our cooperation even further.”
After a nice conversation, a photo is taken in the stunning showroom for one of the AMG models, Mercedes-Benz’s sporty label. Wouldn’t this be the ideal location for the next customer day as soon as the weather allows?
Interested in becoming a Spacewell Ambassador? Or just want more information? Click here.

Mercedes-Benz Dealer Bedrijven B.V. (MBDB) of The Hague is part of Mercedes-Benz Netherlands. MBDB was established more than 75 years ago and has 7 locations and ± 300 employees. It represents the dealer in southwest Netherlands of Mercedes-Benz passenger and commercial vehicles, smart, Fuso and AMG. MBDB is also the only company in the Netherlands authorized to repair Mercedes-Benz Guard, the advanced technology behind the highly secured limousines of diplomats and other dignitaries. In the AMG Performance Center, you will find a broad selection of exclusive AMG models.