The Facility Manager’s Guide to Using Data in the Hybrid Workplace

The Facility Manager’s Guide to Using Data in the Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid Workplace Challenges A hybrid workplace refers to an office concept that enables employees to work both in the physical office and remotely. Hybrid working isn’t new, but its popularity has been turbocharged by the pandemic and the subsequent massive remote work experiment. While employees want it, this new flexible work model also creates new challenges for … Read more

Using IoT Sensor Data for Asset Maintenance – Moving Toward Smart Building Predictive Maintenance (Sensor to Insight Series, Part 8)

Building maintenance HVAC technician

Sensing technologies are widely used to monitor industrial equipment (during operation). But how useful are IoT-related technologies for asset maintenance in commercial buildings? In this article, we’ll look at how sensor data can improve building maintenance effectiveness, from asset monitoring and alerts to smart building predictive maintenance. Reactive, preventive, and smart building predictive maintenance approaches … Read more

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