How to Improve Indoor Air Quality Using Sensor Data

Outside view of office windows

Photo courtesy of HOLMRIS B8 In this post, we discuss indoor air quality and how it impacts people’s well-being and productivity at work. We’ll also look at how sensor data and analytics can help you gain insight into environmental factors. And how to improve indoor air quality by using insights derived from IoT sensor data. Can … Read more

Workplace Occupancy Monitoring & Data-Driven Optimization

Outside view of office windows

As discussed in an earlier post about different types of IoT use cases in commercial buildings, one of the most popular scenarios is workplace occupancy monitoring and analysis. For good reasons. Many organizations waste as much as half their space. In other words, their savings potential is huge. European businesses could save $243 billion by reducing wasted … Read more

Using IoT Sensor Data for Asset Maintenance – Moving Toward Smart Building Predictive Maintenance (Sensor to Insight Series, Part 8)

Building maintenance HVAC technician

Sensing technologies are widely used to monitor industrial equipment (during operation). But how useful are IoT-related technologies for asset maintenance in commercial buildings? In this article, we’ll look at how sensor data can improve building maintenance effectiveness, from asset monitoring and alerts to smart building predictive maintenance. Reactive, preventive, and smart building predictive maintenance approaches … Read more

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